Free Ubersuggest Premium Account Cookies Giveaway! 2023 [UPDATED]

Keyword research is essential, and reading this blog post means you are looking for a keyword research tool. Correct? You found Ubersuggest.

Now you want to use its premium plan for free. Right?

But why are you looking for the premium plan for free if it is free? Because the free program only gives you three credits per day, which is insufficient for a content writer.

I understand your frustration; if you’re a beginner, you may not have enough money to invest in a membership. But don’t worry – on this website, we help beginners by providing premium tools and services for free.

Once you access the premium account by following the methods that I will guide you, you can use all the tools to their unlimited potential.

Why read this blog? If there are hundreds of other blogs, are there on the same topic?

  • To get a proven method to get a free Ubersuggest premium account.
  • To get access to all tools of Ubersuggest for free.
  • To get updated cookies, we update cookies whenever needed.
  • To get step-by-step guidance on how to get a free account.
  • To get live chat support if you are facing any issues.

After reading this blog, I am sure you will use the Ubersuggest Premium account for free. By using its premium version, you can also decide whether you need this tool or not.

I am sure that if you read the blog and use any method, you can use the Ubersuggest premium account for free.

How to Use Ubersuggest Premium For Free

Free Ubersuggest Premium Account CookiesPin

Ubersuggest is a great tool to help you with your website, but the premium membership can be a little expensive at $12 per month.

If you want to try it out without paying, you can follow a few steps to get access free s to the premium features for ember. This may not last forever and is subject to change anytime!

I will guide you with two methods.

  1. By using the Premium Cookies.
  2. By using the free trial.
  3. By using the Free Ubersuggest alternative.

1. Use Ubersuggest Premium Cookies

Let me explain it to those who don’t know about cookies.

Cookies are small pieces of text that are sent to your browser by the websites you visit. They help those websites remember information about your visit, making it easier for you to revisit the site more useful.

So, in this section, I will share the cookies of my purchased account of Ubersuggest. So, if the cookies expire, you can inform me via live chat or comment. I will update them for you.

Follow the steps below to use Ubersuggest Premium Cookies.

Step 1. Go to Chrome Web Store and download Cookie Editor Extension.


Step 3. Now copy the Ubersuggest premium cookies.

Cookie 1.

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Cookies 2.

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Step 4. Now go to the Ubersuggest homepage and open the cookie editor extension you have just installed in your browser.

Step 5. After opening the Cookie Editor extension, click on the Bin icon below and clear all the existing cookies first. Once deleted, click on the import button and past the cookies you copied above. Check the video below on how to do it.

NOTICE: Please don’t log out from the account, and don’t make any changes. If the cookies don’t work, they may expire; let me know by sending me an email. I will update them for you.

2. Use Ubersuggest 30 Days Free Trial

Ubersuggest’s seven-day free trial allows access to all premium tools for thirty days as many times as needed. You can cancel the free trial at any time.

Here are the Steps to Access the 30 Days free trial

Step 1. Go to the Pricing page, and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Step 2. You will find a Get Professional Account section, then click Get Started.

image 1Pin

Step 3. Now create a new account.

ubersuggest free trialPin

Step 4. Now enter your payment details, and boom! You can access the Ubersuggest premium account for 30 days.

image 3Pin

NOTE: If you would like a refund for your trial period, request it within the first 30 days after signing up. Otherwise, you will not be eligible for a refund.

3. Use Ubersuggest Free Alternative

#1. SE Ranking-

image 5Pin

SE Ranking is a free and effective SEO tool that helps marketers optimize their website or blog to achieve a high ranking on search engine results pages. It offers dozens of features while maintaining simplicity, which is evident in its dashboard design.

It is a great all-in-one SEO tool to help you get ahead of your competition. With SE Ranking, you’ll access powerful SEO tools like website audits, competitor analysis, backlink checkers, and more.

SE Ranking is free as well as their plans are also very affordable.

#2. Keysuggest

image 4Pin

I have used this Keyword research tool and can vouch for its accuracy and ease of use. You get 50 credits per day with the tool, and it is 100% free – other than the ads you must endure and the captcha you must fill out with every search.

All things considered, this is an excellent tool for keyword research if you can tolerate a few minor annoyances.

The Bottom Line

I hope you have followed my method and used the premium account of Ubersuggest. If you are facing any problems, feel free to write me, and I will try to help you with that.

I know the methods will work, but I would not recommend using them for the rest of your life; once you earn some money, I suggest you invest them in this tool as it would benefit you in the long run.

I hope you found this tool helpful! I only shared it for educational purposes so that you could use the premium features and get a feel for whether or not the tool is worth your money.

Is Ubersuggest Worth it?

If you’re looking for keywords to use in your content, I highly recommend using the Ubersuggest tool. It’s easy to use and provides valuable information, like how difficult it is to rank for each keyword. I personally use it every time I write a blog post and find it extremely helpful.

It is not just for keyword research; it has many more tools to help you in the content creation journey.

Ubersuggest Features

  • Backlink Monitoring.
  • Competitive Analysis.
  • Dashboard.
  • Keyword Rank Tracking.
  • Keyword Research Tools.
  • Keyword Tracking.
  • Link Management.
  • SEO Management.